ALT Codes for Icelandic Letters with Accents

Below is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts using Windows ALT codes for letters with accents or diacritics that are used in writing in the Icelandic language. If you are new to ALT codes and need detailed instructions on how to use them, please read How to Use ALT Codes to Enter Special Characters. Alternatively, instead of using ALT codes, you can also just quickly tap or click any accented letter in the list below to copy it and paste it into your document.

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In the Icelandic language, several letters are accompanied by accents or diacritical marks, which significantly affect their pronunciation and may distinguish them from their unaccented counterparts. Here are the accented letters used in the Icelandic language:

  1. Á (a acute): Pronounced as /au/ or /aː/. Example: “bár” (bar).
  2. É (e acute): Pronounced as /je/ or /jɛ/. Example: “sér” (sees).
  3. Í (i acute): Pronounced as /i/. Example: “líf” (life).
  4. Ó (o acute): Pronounced as /ou/ or /oː/. Example: “bók” (book).
  5. Ú (u acute): Pronounced as /u/. Example: “sú” (her).
  6. Ý (y acute): Pronounced as /i/. Example: “þýða” (to translate).
  7. Æ (ae ligature): Pronounced as /ai/. Example: “ætt” (family).
  8. Ö (o diaeresis/umlaut): Pronounced as /œ/. Example: “nöfn” (names).
  9. Þ (thorn): Pronounced as /θ/. Example: “þjóð” (nation).
  10. Ð (eth): Pronounced as /ð/. Example: “móðir” (mother).

These accented letters, along with the unique characters like Þ and Ð, are an essential part of the Icelandic alphabet and are crucial for accurate pronunciation and spelling in the language. The use of diacritics in Icelandic is quite distinct from other languages, and these letters contribute to the distinctive character of the Icelandic writing system.

For ALT codes for letters with accents or diacritical marks that are used in other foreign languages, visit ALT Codes for Latin Letters with Accents or Diacritical Marks used in Foreign Languages. For the the complete list of the first 256 Windows ALT Codes, visit Windows ALT Codes for Special Characters & Symbols.