ALT Codes for Latvian Letters with Accents

Below is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts using Windows ALT codes for letters with accents or diacritics that are used in writing in the Latvian language. If you are new to ALT codes and need detailed instructions on how to use them, please read How to Use ALT Codes to Enter Special Characters. Alternatively, instead of using ALT codes, you can also just quickly tap or click any accented letter in the list below to copy it and paste it into your document.

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In the Latvian language, diacritical marks are used to modify certain letters, known as “modified letters,” to indicate specific sounds. The Latvian alphabet includes the following modified letters with diacritics:

  1. Ā (a with macron): Pronounced as /ɑː/. Example: “ābols” (apple).
  2. Ē (e with macron): Pronounced as /eː/. Example: “ēka” (building).
  3. Ī (i with macron): Pronounced as /iː/. Example: “īss” (short).
  4. Ū (u with macron): Pronounced as /uː/. Example: “ūdens” (water).
  5. Č (c with caron): Pronounced as /tʃ/. Example: “čaula” (shell).
  6. Ģ (g with cedilla): Pronounced as a voiced palatal fricative /ɟ/. Example: “ģimene” (family).
  7. Ķ (k with cedilla): Pronounced as a voiceless palatal fricative /ç/. Example: “ķirsis” (cherry).
  8. Ļ (l with cedilla): Pronounced as a voiced palatal lateral /ʎ/. Example: “ļoti” (very).
  9. Ņ (n with cedilla): Pronounced as a voiced palatal nasal /ɲ/. Example: “ņemt” (to take).
  10. Ŗ (r with cedilla): Pronounced as a voiced retroflex fricative /ʐ/. Example: “ŗīga” (Riga).
  11. Š (s with caron): Pronounced as /ʃ/. Example: “šķūnis” (cupboard).
  12. Ž (z with caron): Pronounced as /ʒ/. Example: “žogs” (fence).

These modified letters with diacritics significantly impact the pronunciation of words in Latvian. It’s important to use the appropriate diacritics when writing in Latvian to ensure accurate spelling and pronunciation.

For ALT codes for letters with accents or diacritical marks that are used in other foreign languages, visit ALT Codes for Latin Letters with Accents or Diacritical Marks used in Foreign Languages. For the the complete list of the first 256 Windows ALT Codes, visit Windows ALT Codes for Special Characters & Symbols.