🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji

Meaning & Description

The 🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji, represented by the Unicode character U+1F643, is a unique and versatile emoji used in digital communication to convey various emotions and tones, such as playfulness, irony, or a lighthearted attitude. The 🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji appeared in Unicode Version 8.0 in 2015 with the Unicode name “Upside-Down Face” and was officially included in Emoji Version 1.0 in 2015. Here’s some information about this emoji:

Appearance: The Upside-Down Face emoji features a yellow, round face with a closed mouth and a pair of rounded, open eyes. The defining characteristic of this emoji is that it’s displayed upside-down, with the eyes positioned near the top of the head and the mouth at the bottom.

Usage: This emoji is often used to convey a sense of playful or ironic humor. It can be used to indicate that something is not quite as it seems, or to add a layer of sarcasm or whimsy to a message. It’s a versatile emoji that can express various emotions and tones, depending on the context.

Variations: The appearance of the Upside-Down Face emoji may vary slightly depending on the platform or device you’re using, but the central theme of the face being displayed upside-down remains consistent.

Meaning: The Upside-Down Face emoji doesn’t have a single fixed meaning but is open to interpretation. It’s often used to convey playfulness, irony, or a lighthearted attitude. The upside-down orientation of the face adds an element of surprise or a twist to the message.

Examples of Use:

  • “I just found out I have to work late again… 🙃”
  • “Oh, sure, everything’s just going perfectly today! 🙃”
  • “You’re a real expert at making coffee… 🙃”

Related Emojis: The Upside-Down Face emoji can be combined with other emojis to enhance the desired emotion or tone of the message. For example, it might be used alongside the 😄 Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes emoji to add a layer of playfulness or with the 😅 Grinning Face With Sweat emoji to express amusement with a touch of irony.

The 🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji (U+1F643) is a versatile and open-to-interpretation emoji used to convey playfulness, irony, or a lighthearted attitude in digital communication. Its unique upside-down orientation adds an element of surprise and adds a layer of whimsy or sarcasm to the message.


🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji Information

Emoji CLDR Short Nameupside-down face
Windows ALT CodeALT 128579
Windows ALT X Code1F643 ALT X
Other Keywordsface | upside-down
Emoji GroupSmileys & Emotion
Emoji Subgroupface-smiling
Introduced in Unicode Version (and Release Year)8.0 (2015)
Introduced in Emoji Version (and Release Year)1.0 (2015)
Unicode Character NameUpside-Down Face
Unicode Code Point(s)U+1F643
Unicode BlockEmoticons
Unicode Block SubheadingFaces
Other Unicode Character Description Or Alias 

Emoji Appearance on Different Devices & Platforms

upside-down face emoji on apple iphone iOS
Apple / iPhone iOS
upside-down face emoji on facebook messenger
Facebook / Messenger
upside-down face emoji on google android
Google / Android
upside-down face emoji on microsoft windows
Microsoft / Windows
upside-down face emoji on openmoji
upside-down face emoji on samsung
upside-down face emoji on twitter (twemoji)
Twitter (Twemoji)
upside-down face emoji on whatsapp

Emoji Codes for Developers

Hexadecimal Code1F643
Decimal Code128579
HTML Entity HEX🙃
HTML Entity DEC🙃
URL Escape Code%F0%9F%99%83
Bytes (UTF-8)\xF0\x9F\x99\x83
PHP, Ruby\u{1F643}
Java, JavaScript, JSON\u1F643
C, C++, Python\u1F643

🙃 Upside-Down Face Emoji Name in Other Languages

Arabic Short Nameوجه مقلوب
Arabic Keywordsمقلوب | وجه
Bengali Short Nameমাথাটা নিচে তলাটা উপরে এমন মুখ
Bengali Keywordsওল্টানো চেহারা | মাথাটা নিচে তলাটা উপরে এমন মুখ | মুখ
Bulgarian Short NameОбърнато наобратно лице
Bulgarian Keywordsлице | наобратно | Обърнато наобратно лице
Catalan Short Namecara de cap per avall
Catalan Keywordscara | cara de cap per avall | revés
Chinese Short Name倒脸
Chinese Keywords倒脸 | 脸 | 颠倒 | 颠倒的脸
Croatian Short Namenaopačke okrenuto lice
Croatian Keywordsgore-dolje | lice | naopačke okrenuto lice
Czech Short Namepřevrácený obličej
Czech Keywordspřevrácený obličej | smajlík | tvář | výraz | vzhůru nohama
Danish Short Nameomvendt ansigt
Danish Keywordsansigt | omvendt | på hovedet
Dutch Short Nameomgekeerd gezicht
Dutch Keywordsgezicht | omgekeerd gezicht | ondersteboven | op de kop
Estonian Short Nametagurpidi nägu
Estonian Keywordsnägu | tagurpidi
Filipino Short Namebaligtad na mukha
Filipino Keywordsbaligtad | baligtad na mukha | mukha
Finnish Short Nameylösalainen naama
Finnish Keywordsnaama | väärinpäin | ylösalainen
French Short Nametête à l’envers
French Keywordsrenversée | tête | tête à l’envers
German Short Nameumgekehrtes Gesicht
German Keywordsauf dem Kopf stehen | Gesicht | umgekehrtes Gesicht
Greek Short Nameαναποδογυρισμένο πρόσωπο
Greek Keywordsανάποδο | αναποδογυρισμένο πρόσωπο | πρόσωπο
Hebrew Short Nameפרצוף הפוך
Hebrew Keywordsהפוך | פרצוף
Hindi Short Nameउल्टा चेहरा
Hindi Keywordsउल्टा चेहरा | चेहरा
Hungarian Short Namefejjel lefelé fordult arc
Hungarian Keywordsarc | fejjel lefelé | fejjel lefelé fordult arc
Indonesian Short Namewajah terbalik
Indonesian Keywordsmuka | terbalik | wajah
Italian Short Namefaccina sottosopra
Italian Keywordscapovolta | faccina | scombussolata | sottosopra
Japanese Short Nameさかさまの顔
Japanese Keywordsさかさま | さかさまの顔 | 顔
Korean Short Name거꾸로 된 얼굴
Korean Keywords거꾸로 된 얼굴 | 뒤집힘 | 얼굴 | 위아래
Latvian Short Nameapgriezta seja
Latvian Keywordsapgriezta seja | apgriezts | otrādi | seja
Lithuanian Short Nameapverstas veidas
Lithuanian Keywordsapverstas veidas | aukštyn kojom | veidas
Malay Short Namemuka terbalik
Malay Keywordsmuka | terbalik
Marathi Short Nameउलटा चेहरा
Marathi Keywordsउलटा चेहरा | चेहरा | वरील बाजू खाली | वरील बाजू खाली असलेला चेहरा
Norwegian Short Namefjes som er opp-ned
Norwegian Keywordsfjes | fjes som er opp-ned | opp-ned
Polish Short Nameodwrócona twarz
Polish Keywordsdo góry nogami | odwrócona twarz
Portuguese Short Namerosto de cabeça para baixo
Portuguese Keywordsrosto de cabeça para baixo | rosto invertido
Romanian Short Namefață cu susul în jos
Romanian Keywordsfață | față cu susul în jos | întors | răsturnat
Russian Short Nameвверх тормашками
Russian Keywordsвверх | вверх тормашками | лицо | ногами | перевернутое
Serbian Cyrillic Short Nameлице окренуто наопако
Serbian Cyrillic Keywordsлице | лице окренуто наопако | наопако
Serbian Latin Short Namelice okrenuto naopako
Serbian Latin Keywordslice | lice okrenuto naopako | naopako
Slovak Short Nameprevrátená tvár
Slovak Keywordsotočená | prevrátená | tvár
Slovenian Short Namena glavo obrnjen obraz
Slovenian Keywordsna glavo obrnjen obraz | narobe obrnjeno | obraz
Spanish Short Namecara al revés
Spanish Keywordscara | cara al revés | revés
Swedish Short Nameupp-och-nervänt ansikte
Swedish Keywordsansikte | upp-och-ner | upp-och-nervänt ansikte
Tamil Short Nameதலைகீழ் முகம்
Tamil Keywordsதலைகீழ் | முகம்
Telugu Short Nameతలక్రిందులుగా ఉన్న ముఖం
Telugu Keywordsతల | తలక్రిందులుగా ఉన్న ముఖం | ముఖం
Thai Short Nameหน้ากลับหัว
Thai Keywordsกลับหัว | หน้า | หน้ากลับหัว
Turkish Short Nameters yüz
Turkish Keywordsters yüz | yüz
Ukrainian Short Nameобличчя догори дриґом
Ukrainian Keywordsдогори ногами | обличчя | обличчя догори дном | обличчя догори дриґом
Urdu Short Nameالٹا چہرہ
Urdu Keywordsالٹآ | الٹا چہرہ | چہرہ
Vietnamese Short Namemặt lộn ngược
Vietnamese Keywordslộn ngược | mặt | mặt lộn ngược