🥴 Woozy Face Emoji

Meaning & Description

The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji, represented by the Unicode character U+1F974, is an expressive emoji used in digital communication to convey a sense of dizziness, confusion, intoxication, or feeling disoriented. It’s typically employed when someone wants to express that they are feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or in a state of confusion, often due to various reasons. The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji appeared in Unicode Version 11.0 in 2018 with the Unicode name “Face With Uneven Eyes And Wavy Mouth” and was officially included in Emoji Version 11.0 in 2018. Here’s some information about this emoji:

Appearance: The Woozy Face emoji features a yellow, round face with closed eyes, raised eyebrows, and a tilted mouth. The complexion may appear in different shades, often with a greenish or bluish tint. The expression suggests a sense of dizziness, confusion, or disorientation.

Usage: This emoji is commonly used to express feelings of dizziness, confusion, or disorientation. It can be employed when someone is feeling lightheaded, intoxicated, or unsure of their surroundings or situation. It’s also used in humorous contexts, often indicating that someone has had a bit too much to drink.

Variations: The appearance of the Woozy Face emoji may vary slightly depending on the platform or device you’re using, but the core elements of the tilted mouth and the appearance of dizziness remain consistent.

Meaning: The primary meaning of the Woozy Face emoji is to convey a sense of dizziness, confusion, intoxication, or feeling disoriented. It’s often used to express that someone is not feeling well physically or mentally or is in a state of confusion or uncertainty.

Examples of Use:

  • “I didn’t get much sleep last night, so I’m feeling a bit 🥴 today.”
  • “The roller coaster ride left me feeling so 🥴.”
  • “After a long night out, I woke up feeling really 🥴.”

Related Emojis: The Woozy Face emoji can be combined with other emojis, such as 🍻 Beer Mugs or 😵 Dizzy Face, to provide additional context related to feeling intoxicated or dizzy.

The 🥴 Woozy Face Emoji (U+1F974) is a widely used emoji that conveys a sense of dizziness, confusion, intoxication, or disorientation in digital communication. It’s a popular choice for expressing that someone is feeling lightheaded, disoriented, or unsure about a situation, often used in a light-hearted or humorous manner.


🥴 Woozy Face Emoji Information

Emoji CLDR Short Namewoozy face
Windows ALT CodeALT 129396
Windows ALT X Code1F974 ALT X
Other Keywordsdizzy | intoxicated | tipsy | uneven eyes | wavy mouth | woozy face
Emoji GroupSmileys & Emotion
Emoji Subgroupface-unwell
Introduced in Unicode Version (and Release Year)11.0 (2018)
Introduced in Emoji Version (and Release Year)11.0 (2018)
Unicode Character NameFace With Uneven Eyes And Wavy Mouth
Unicode Code Point(s)U+1F974
Unicode BlockSupplemental Symbols and Pictographs
Unicode Block SubheadingFaces
Other Unicode Character Description Or Alias 

Emoji Appearance on Different Devices & Platforms

woozy face emoji on apple iphone iOS
Apple / iPhone iOS
woozy face emoji on facebook messenger
Facebook / Messenger
woozy face emoji on google android
Google / Android
woozy face emoji on microsoft windows
Microsoft / Windows
woozy face emoji on openmoji
woozy face emoji on samsung
woozy face emoji on twitter (twemoji)
Twitter (Twemoji)
woozy face emoji on whatsapp

Emoji Codes for Developers

Hexadecimal Code1F974
Decimal Code129396
HTML Entity HEX🥴
HTML Entity DEC🥴
URL Escape Code%F0%9F%A5%B4
Bytes (UTF-8)\xF0\x9F\xA5\xB4
PHP, Ruby\u{1F974}
Java, JavaScript, JSON\u1F974
C, C++, Python\u1F974

🥴 Woozy Face Emoji Name in Other Languages

Arabic Short Nameوجه مصاب بدوار
Arabic Keywordsثمل | دائخ | عينان غير متساويتين | فم متموج | مسمم | وجه مصاب بدوار
Bengali Short Nameহতবুদ্ধি মুখ
Bengali Keywordsঅর্ধেক খোলা চোখ | তরঙ্গায়িত মুখ | প্রায় মাতাল | মত্ত | হতবুদ্ধি | হতবুদ্ধি মুখ
Bulgarian Short Nameопиянено лице
Bulgarian Keywordsзамаян | зигзагообразна уста | неравен поглед | опиянен | опиянено лице | пийнал
Catalan Short Namecara de mareig
Catalan Keywordsbeguda | begut | boca ondulada | cara de mareig | embriac | embriaga | marejada | marejat | ulls desiguals
Chinese Short Name头昏眼花
Chinese Keywords嘴唇颤抖 | 头昏眼花 | 头晕眼花 | 微醺 | 眼花 | 醉醺醺
Croatian Short Nameošamućeno lice
Croatian Keywordsintoksikacija | iskrivljena usta | nejednake oči | ošamućeno lice | pripitost | vrtoglavica
Czech Short Namezpitomělý obličej
Czech Keywordslíznutý | opilost | různě velké oči | závrať | zpitomělý obličej | zvlněná pusa
Danish Short Nameørt ansigt
Danish Keywordsberuset | bølget mund | ørt ansigt | småfuld | svimmel | uens øjne
Dutch Short Namewazig gezicht
Dutch Keywordsaangeschoten | dronken | duizelig | golvende mond | oneven ogen | wazig gezicht
Estonian Short Nameuimane nägu
Estonian Keywordsalkoholiuimas | joobnud | lainelised huuled | oimetu | uimane nägu | üks silm poolkinni
Filipino Short Namewoozy na mukha
Filipino Keywordsbibig na wavy | dizzy | hindi pantay ang mata | lasing | nakainom | woozy na mukha
Finnish Short Nametokkurainen naama
Finnish Keywordsaaltoileva suu | heikotus | huppelissa | päissään | silmät sikkaralla | tokkurainen naama
French Short Namevisage éméché
French Keywordsbouche ondulée | dans les vapes | hébété | pompette | rond | visage éméché
German Short Nameschwindeliges Gesicht
German Keywordsangetrunken | beschwipst | betrunken | schwindeliges Gesicht
Greek Short Nameζαλισμένο προσωπάκι
Greek Keywordsζαλισμένο προσωπάκι | ζαλισμένος | μεθυσμένος | πιωμένος | ψιλομεθυσμένος
Hebrew Short Nameשיכור
Hebrew Keywordsמבולבל | מסוחרר | סחרחורת | שיכור
Hindi Short Nameचकराया हुआ चेहरा
Hindi Keywordsचकराया हुआ चेहरा
Hungarian Short Namerészeges arc
Hungarian Keywordshullámvonalas száj | ittas | kába | keresztbeálló szemek | részeges arc | spicces
Indonesian Short Namewajah pusing karena mabuk
Indonesian Keywordsagak mabuk | mabuk | mata miring | mulut keriting | pusing | wajah pusing karena mabuk
Italian Short Namefaccina stordita
Italian Keywordsfaccina con occhi semiaperti | faccina stordita | frastornato | vertigini
Japanese Short Nameふらふらの顔
Japanese Keywordsうつろな目 | ふらふらの顔 | べろんべろん | ほろ酔い | めまい | 中毒
Korean Short Name헤롱헤롱 얼굴
Korean Keywords맛이 간 | 비뚤거리는 입 | 어지러운 | 취한 | 헤롱거리는 | 헤롱헤롱 얼굴
Latvian Short Namenoreibusi seja
Latvian Keywordsapreibis | noreibusi seja | piedzēries | šķībām acīm | šķību muti
Lithuanian Short Nameapkvaišęs veidas
Lithuanian Keywordsapkvaišęs veidas | apsvaigęs | banguojanti burna | įkaušęs | nelygios akys
Malay Short Namemuka kepeningan
Malay Keywordsmabuk | mabuk sedikit | mata tidak rata | muka kepeningan | mulut berombak | pening
Marathi Short Nameस्तंभित चेहरा
Marathi Keywordsअसंगत डोळे | तापट | मादक | वाकडे तोंड | संभ्रमित | स्तंभित चेहरा
Norwegian Short Namesvimmelt fjes
Norwegian Keywordsbølgete munn | brisen | full | svimmel | svimmelt fjes | ujevne øyne
Polish Short Namezamroczona twarz
Polish Keywordsfaliste usta | nierówne oczy | odurzony | oszołomiony | wstawiony | zamroczona twarz
Portuguese Short Namerosto embriagado
Portuguese Keywordsbêbado | boca ondulada | embriagado | intoxicado | olhos tortos | rosto embriagado
Romanian Short Namefață cherchelită
Romanian Keywordsafumat | amețit | beat | ebrietate | față cherchelită
Russian Short Nameчувствует головокружение
Russian Keywordsголовокружение | дезориентация | плохо | тошнота | чувствует головокружение
Serbian Cyrillic Short Nameпогубљено лице
Serbian Cyrillic Keywordsкривудаве усне | погубљено лице | припит | различите очи
Serbian Latin Short Namepogubljeno lice
Serbian Latin Keywordskrivudave usne | pogubljeno lice | pripit | različite oči
Slovak Short Namemalátna tvár
Slovak Keywordsmalátna tvár | omámený | opilec | opitý | podnapitý | závrat
Slovenian Short Nameokajen obraz
Slovenian Keywordsokajen obraz | omotičen | različni očesi | v rožicah | valovita usta | vinjen
Spanish Short Namecara de grogui
Spanish Keywordsatontado | cara de grogui | entonado | grogui | intoxicado | mareado
Swedish Short Nameyrt ansikte
Swedish Keywordsostadig blick | på örat | påverkad | vågig mun | yr | yrt ansikte
Tamil Short Nameகுழப்பமான முகம்
Tamil Keywordsகுழப்பமான முகம் | குழறும் வாய் | தடுமாற்றம் | நிலையற்ற கண்கள் | போதை | மயக்கம்
Telugu Short Nameమత్తుగా ఉన్న ముఖం
Telugu Keywordsకళ్లు తేలేయడం | తాగిన మత్తు | నిషా | నోట్లో జల్లు కారడం | మత్తు | మత్తుగా ఉన్న ముఖం
Thai Short Nameหน้างงงวย
Thai Keywordsงงงวย | มึนเมา | เมา | วิงเวียน | หน้างงงวย
Turkish Short Namesarhoş yüz
Turkish Keywordsçakırkeyif | kaymış gözler | sarhoş | sarhoş yüz | sersemlemiş | titreyen ağız
Ukrainian Short Nameочманіле обличчя
Ukrainian Keywordsзапаморочений | кривулястий рот | одурманений | очманіле обличчя | ошалілий | перекошені очі
Urdu Short Nameاُلجھن کا شکار شہرہ
Urdu Keywordsاُلجھن کا شکار شہرہ | ٹیڑھی میڑھی آنکھیں | چکرایا ہُوا | مخمُور | مدہوش | ناہموار منہ
Vietnamese Short Namemặt choáng váng
Vietnamese Keywordschếnh choáng | chóng mặt | mặt choáng váng | mắt đảo điên | miệng uốn lượn | say xỉn