Centimeters (cm) to Decimeters (dm) Converter

This length unit converter dynamically calculates a value you enter in centimeters (cm) and converts it to its equivalent value in decimeters (dm).

How many centimeters (cm) are in a decimeter (dm)? What is the formula for how to convert centimeters to decimeters (cm to dm)?

1 centimeter (cm) = 0.1 decimeter (dm)
So we can say that there are 0.1 decimeters in 1 centimeter.
This means that the multiplication conversion factor to convert a quantity expressed in a centimeter unit of measurement to an equivalent quantity expressed in a decimeter unit of measurement is 0.1.

Inversely (or reciprocally),

1 decimeter (dm) = 10 centimeters (cm)
So we can say that there are 10 centimeters in 1 decimeter.
This means that the division conversion factor to convert a quantity expressed in a centimeter unit of measurement to an equivalent quantity expressed in a decimeter unit of measurement is 10.

Knowing this inverse mathematical relationship between the two conversion factors and their reciprocal operations, we can derive two formulas to calculate and convert a quantity of length expressed in centimeters to an equivalent quantity of length expressed in decimeters (cm to dm). Both formulas will yield the same result. The formulas are:

dm = cm × 0.1 → This is the formula based on the multiplication conversion factor.


dm = cm ÷ 10 → This is the formula based on the division conversion factor.

For example, if you have a length of 500 centimeters that you want to convert to decimeters, you would use either of the two formulas as follows:

dm = 500 cm × 0.1 = 50 dm
dm = 500 cm ÷ 10 = 50 dm

So, the result is the same using either formula which is 50 decimeters.

Centimeters to decimeters (cm to dm) conversion chart

To save you time and effort spent on having to perform manual calculations or look up conversion formulas every time a conversion from centimeters to decimeters is needed, here is a centimeters-to-decimeters conversion chart for your quick and easy reference. This conversion chart (or conversion table) shows common measurement values of length in centimeters and their equivalent measurement values in decimeters. These equivalent measurement values may be rounded off to 1 or 2 decimal places when it is mathematically expedient for everyday applications.

centimeters (cm)decimeters (dm)
1 cm0.1 dm
2 cm0.2 dm
3 cm0.3 dm
4 cm0.4 dm
5 cm0.5 dm
6 cm0.6 dm
7 cm0.7 dm
8 cm0.8 dm
9 cm0.9 dm
10 cm1 dm
11 cm1.1 dm
12 cm1.2 dm
13 cm1.3 dm
14 cm1.4 dm
15 cm1.5 dm
16 cm1.6 dm
17 cm1.7 dm
18 cm1.8 dm
19 cm1.9 dm
20 cm2 dm
21 cm2.1 dm
22 cm2.2 dm
23 cm2.3 dm
24 cm2.4 dm
25 cm2.5 dm
26 cm2.6 dm
27 cm2.7 dm
28 cm2.8 dm
29 cm2.9 dm
30 cm3 dm
31 cm3.1 dm
32 cm3.2 dm
33 cm3.3 dm
34 cm3.4 dm
35 cm3.5 dm
36 cm3.6 dm
37 cm3.7 dm
38 cm3.8 dm
39 cm3.9 dm
40 cm4 dm
41 cm4.1 dm
42 cm4.2 dm
43 cm4.3 dm
44 cm4.4 dm
45 cm4.5 dm
46 cm4.6 dm
47 cm4.7 dm
48 cm4.8 dm
49 cm4.9 dm
50 cm5 dm
centimeters (cm)decimeters (dm)
51 cm5.1 dm
52 cm5.2 dm
53 cm5.3 dm
54 cm5.4 dm
55 cm5.5 dm
56 cm5.6 dm
57 cm5.7 dm
58 cm5.8 dm
59 cm5.9 dm
60 cm6 dm
61 cm6.1 dm
62 cm6.2 dm
63 cm6.3 dm
64 cm6.4 dm
65 cm6.5 dm
66 cm6.6 dm
67 cm6.7 dm
68 cm6.8 dm
69 cm6.9 dm
70 cm7 dm
71 cm7.1 dm
72 cm7.2 dm
73 cm7.3 dm
74 cm7.4 dm
75 cm7.5 dm
76 cm7.6 dm
77 cm7.7 dm
78 cm7.8 dm
79 cm7.9 dm
80 cm8 dm
81 cm8.1 dm
82 cm8.2 dm
83 cm8.3 dm
84 cm8.4 dm
85 cm8.5 dm
86 cm8.6 dm
87 cm8.7 dm
88 cm8.8 dm
89 cm8.9 dm
90 cm9 dm
91 cm9.1 dm
92 cm9.2 dm
93 cm9.3 dm
94 cm9.4 dm
95 cm9.5 dm
96 cm9.6 dm
97 cm9.7 dm
98 cm9.8 dm
99 cm9.9 dm
100 cm10 dm

Conversion of 1 centimeter (cm) to other units of length

Here is a reference list providing a conversion of 1 centimeter (cm) to its equivalent values in various units of length, both metric and imperial:

  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 10,000,000 nanometers (nm)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 10,000 micrometers (µm)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 10 millimeters (mm)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.1 decimeter (dm)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.01 meter (m)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.00001 kilometer (km)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.39370078740157 inch (in)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.032808398950131 foot (ft)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.010936132983377 yard (yd)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.0000062137119223733 mile (mi)
  • 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.0000053995680345572 nautical mile (nmi)

What is a centimeter (cm)?

Definition of centimeter: A centimeter is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system. It is equal to one hundredth of a meter (10^-2 m). It is often used for everyday measurements involving shorter distances than meters, such as human height.

The abbreviation for centimeter is cm. The single Unicode character ㎝ (U+339D) represents the 2-character Latin abbreviation for centimeter. The Windows Alt code for this character ㎝ is Alt + 13213.

What is a decimeter (dm)?

Definition of decimeter: A decimeter is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system. It is equivalent to one tenth of a meter (0.1 m). It is less commonly used than centimeters or meters but can be useful for intermediate measurements.

The abbreviation for decimeter is dm. The single Unicode character ㍷ (U+3377) represents the 2-character Latin abbreviation for decimeter. The Windows Alt code for this character ㍷ is Alt + 13175.