ALT Codes for Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet

This is the complete list of Windows ALT codes & Mac Option codes for letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Included also in the list are the corresponding HTML entity hexadecimal and decimal numeric character references. If you are new to ALT codes and need detailed instructions on how to use them, please read How to Use ALT Codes to Enter Special Characters. Alternatively, instead of using ALT codes, you can also just quickly tap or click any Hebrew letter in the list below to copy it and paste it into your document.

WP Data Tables

The Hebrew alphabet is a writing system used for writing the Hebrew language, as well as other languages such as Yiddish and Ladino. It is an abjad script, which means it primarily represents consonants and relies on vowel marks or context for indicating vowel sounds. The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters, each representing a specific sound.

Windows Alt Codes for Hebrew Letters:
On Windows computers, you can use Alt codes to type letters of the Hebrew alphabet. To do this, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and enter the specific code shown in the table list above using the numeric keypad. For example, to type the Hebrew letter shin “ש”, you can press Alt+1513.

Mac Option Codes for Hebrew Letters:
On Mac computers, you can use Option codes to type letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Press and hold the Option key, then enter a specific code shown in the table list above using the keyboard. For instance, to type the Hebrew letter sheen “ב” (bet), you can press Option+05D1.

Apart from Hebrew, the Hebrew alphabet is used for writing other languages, including:

  1. Yiddish: Yiddish is a language primarily spoken by Ashkenazi Jews. It uses the Hebrew alphabet with some additional letters and diacritic marks to represent its distinct sounds.
  2. Ladino: Ladino, also known as Judeo-Spanish, is a language derived from Old Spanish spoken by Sephardic Jews. It is written using the Hebrew alphabet with some modifications to accommodate Ladino phonetics.
  3. Judeo-Arabic: Judeo-Arabic refers to various Arabic dialects influenced by Hebrew and written using the Hebrew alphabet by Jewish communities in the Middle East and North Africa.
  4. Judeo-Persian: Judeo-Persian refers to Persian dialects spoken by Jewish communities in Iran and Afghanistan. It is written using the Hebrew alphabet with additional letters and diacritic marks.

These are some of the languages that utilize the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew script has been adapted to suit the phonetic requirements of these languages, allowing them to be written and preserved in a written form.

Gematria is a numerical system associated with the Hebrew alphabet, where each letter has a corresponding numerical value. It is often used to find hidden meanings or connections between words and phrases by calculating the numerical value of their letters.

In the Hebrew language, each letter has a specific numerical equivalent. The system assigns the values as specified in the table shown above.

  • Aleph (א) is equivalent to 1.
  • Bet (ב) is equivalent to 2.
  • Gimel (ג) is equivalent to 3.
  • And so on, until the final letter Tav (ת), which is equivalent to 400.

When words or phrases are written using Hebrew letters, their numerical values can be calculated by summing up the values of the individual letters. This practice allows for exploring potential connections and symbolic associations between words and concepts.

Gematria has been used in Jewish mysticism, particularly in Kabbalah, as a tool for interpretation and analysis of sacred texts. It is believed that words or phrases with identical numerical values may share a deeper connection or hold related meanings.

There are different methods of Gematria, each with its own set of rules and interpretations. The most common form is called “Standard Gematria,” where the numerical value of a word or phrase is simply the sum of the values of its constituent letters.

It’s important to note that Gematria is a subjective practice and can vary in interpretation and significance depending on the individual or tradition using it. It is often seen as a tool for contemplation, seeking hidden insights, or uncovering mystical connections within Hebrew texts.

Gematria is not unique to Hebrew and has parallels in other ancient languages as well. However, it has been most widely studied and practiced within the Jewish tradition, particularly in relation to the Hebrew alphabet.

See more symbol sets for popular ALT codes at ALT Codes for Miscellaneous Symbols.

For the the complete list of the first 256 Windows ALT Codes, visit Windows ALT Codes for Special Characters & Symbols.